1, Tsai, Kuen-Hung, Liao, Yi-Chuan. Innovation Capacity and Eco-innovation: Toward a Contingency Perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment. (SSCI, i.f=3.479), In press.
2, Tsai, Kuen-Hung, Liao, Yi-Chuan*. Sustainability Strategy and Eco-innovation: A Moderation Model. Business Strategy and the Environment. (SSCI, i.f=3.479), 26 (4):426-437. *Corresponding author
3, Tsai, Kuen-Hung, Liao, Yi-Chuan, & Hsu, Teresa Tiaojung, (2015),” Does the Use of Knowledge Integration Mechanisms Really Improve Product Performance?”, Industrial Marketing Management , 46: 214-223. (SSCI, i.f.= 1.930)
4, Hsu, Chien-Lung, Liao, Yi-Chuan, (2014),“Exploring the linkages between information accessibility and stickiness: The moderating role of sense of community”, Information and Management, 51: 833-844. (SSCI, i.f=2.163)
5, Hsu, Chien-Lung, Liao, Yi-Chuan, (2014).” Sustainability Strategies and Reverse Logistics Management: A Contingent Link”, 500-507.Proceeding of ICMIT(EI)
6, Liao, Yi-Chuan*, Tsai, Kuen-Hung, & Hsu, Teresa Tiaojung, 2012, “Knowledge Integration Mechanisms and Product Innovativeness: Toward a Contingent perspective”, 777-782. Proceeding of ICMIT(EI) *Corresponding author